Lets Get REAL Estate Podcast
This is where REAL people are doing REAL Estate.. An educational AND entertaining podcast with the sole purpose to further your understanding of the Real Estate Investing space. We take everyday people that have experience in this industry and Danielle Chiasson gets REAL with them to share key insights into what to watch out for and how to shift your mindset to take on any challenge that may come your way. We are here to support investors of all levels with how to scale their portfolio and to gain financial freedom! Enjoy the Podcast!
Lets Get REAL Estate Podcast
Decode Your Team: Transform Interactions with DISC with Jennifer Maxwell Ep. 153
Meet Jennifer Maxwell, a Certified DISC Personality Expert & Human Connection Coach, Award-winning Inspirational Speaker, and Founder of the Inspired Entrepreneur Academy, which is dedicated to empowering individuals and teams to leverage their innate abilities for E.P.I.C. Results through tailored guidance and strategic insights.
In this episode, Jennifer discusses about:
- The importance of understanding personality profiles in various contexts, including business interactions and personal relationships.
- The significance of observing behavioral cues, such as movement through space and facial expressions, to identify personality traits.
- By recognizing different personality types, individuals can adjust their communication style to better connect with others and achieve desired outcomes.
- How personality profiling can be utilized in business settings, such as hiring processes, to ensure alignment between job roles and individual strengths and preferences.
- The correlation between love languages and personality types, suggesting that they may be interconnected and influence how individuals express and perceive affection.
- How understanding personalities can lead to more effective interactions and outcomes, even in challenging situations.
- How learning about personalities can be enjoyable and lead to deeper connections and understanding in both professional and personal spheres.
About Jennifer
Jennifer Maxwell is a Certified DISC Personality Expert & Human Connection Coach, an Award-winning Inspirational Speaker, Founder of the Inspired Entrepreneur Academy, and is on a mission to help people harness their natural skills & talents for E.P.I.C. Results. Helping corporate teams, business owners, and entrepreneurs position your personality for success with just two questions.
Connect with Jennifer
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jenniferrmaxwell
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JenniferRMaxwellBiz
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferrmaxwell
Connect with Danielle Chiasson
Website: https://strategicsuccessconsulting.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellechiasson/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaniChiasson
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/letsgetreal
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@danichiasson
Book in a call: https://calendly.com/strategicsuccess/lets-get-real-estate-20-min-chat
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