Lets Get REAL Estate Podcast

Expansion vs Contraction With Alfonso Cuadra Ep. 020

Season 1 Episode 18

Alfonso shares his story being born in El Salvador during the civil war, his single mother, the head of the newspaper, was arrested for reporting the truth to all about the corrupt government in power. After escaping to Canada and being raised in poverty, at 17 years old, he started a small company that quickly grew to multiple locations across Canada.

In this episode, we cover:

  • How he was deemed as mentally disabled by the Canadian school system due to the missed educational opportunities growing up, where he had lot significant confidence in himself with low self esteem where he dropped out of school at 15 years old
  • At the age of 17 he was having a child was the turning point that ignited a fire inside of him and giving himself purpose
  • He noticed that he could start selling jeans/ mixed cassettes for $60 each at school after paying $20 for it. This is where the light bulb went off that he could make money a lot faster doing this vs working for a wage and making a decision to purpose profits
  • At the age of 19 he opened his first clothing store and by the age of 21 he had retail locations across Canada, but after 9/11 changing habits changed and at the age of 24, he was worth NEGATIVE $1 Million Dollars and homeless people asking for money were worth more than him!
  • He then realized that he didn't to get into an industry that couldn't be hit as hard as the retail/clothing industry was and that is where he discovered Real Estate MultiFamily being his new found passion and area of EXPANSION
  • He has over 600 doors, and now has a goal to over 7500 units! This guy is a huge inspiration as he has gone from sleeping in ATM vestibules at National Bank of Canada to now speaking to the National Bank of Canada Senior Executives on Leadership & Success. 

About Alfonso Cuadra:

He is the President/CEO of The Cuadra Group of Companies and has an extensive background in business and Real Estate Management, Investing, and Development. Alfonso is dedicated to showing others how to overcome their obstacles and become high performers. He has shared his story with thousands of audiences around the world. He is a dynamic leader that is passionate about sharing his story and inspiring others to create the life they want and to never give up on their dreams. He truly is in the business of changing lives and has a special gift in his ability to connect with people and move them forward.

Connect with Alfonso Cuadra:
Website: http://alfonsocuadra.ca/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/alfonsocuadra
Email: cuadra.a@gmail.com

Connect with Danielle Chiasson:
Website: https://letsgetrealestatepodcast.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellechiasson/
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